In this article, we will learn about how to effectively and safely lower blood sugar levels. Blood sugar is one of the important indicators to evaluate the body’s health. When blood sugar is high, it can lead to many dangerous complications such as diabetes, heart disease, and even stroke. Therefore, lower blood sugar levels is very important to maintain health and prevent blood sugar-related diseases.
Foods that help lower blood sugar
- Green vegetables: Green vegetables such as mustard greens, cabbage, spinach, kale, bok choy… contain lots of fiber and vitamins, helping to effectively lower blood sugar. They also have the ability to stabilize blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes.
- Fruits: Many fruits such as apples, pears, strawberries, kiwis, pomegranates… contain a lot of fiber and antioxidants, helping to lower blood sugar and protect heart health.
- Seeds: Seeds such as almonds, walnuts, chia seeds… contain lots of fiber and unsaturated fats, helping to stabilize blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes.
- Beans: Soybeans, black beans, green beans… are foods rich in fiber and protein, helping to lower blood sugar and maintain health.
- Types of fish: Fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring… contain lots of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and lower blood sugar.
- Spices: Ginger, garlic, onions… are spices that effectively help lower blood sugar. They have the ability to stimulate insulin production and enhance the activity of beta cells in the pancreas, helping to regulate blood sugar.
- Foods rich in fiber: Cereal bread, brown rice, oats… are foods rich in fiber, helping to lower blood sugar and maintain health.
Folk remedies help reduce blood sugar
- Carrot and apple juice: Take 2 apples and 2 carrots, wash and squeeze the juice. Drink this water every day to help lower blood sugar effectively.
- Pumpkin juice: Take 1 pumpkin, wash it and squeeze the juice. Drink this water every day to help lower blood sugar and protect heart health.
- Grapefruit leaf juice: Grapefruit leaves have the ability to help lower blood sugar and regulate blood pressure. Take 10-15 grapefruit leaves, wash and squeeze the juice. Drink this water every day to help lower blood sugar and protect your health.
- Lotus leaf tea: Lotus leaves have the ability to help lower blood sugar and lose weight. Take 10-15 lotus leaves, wash and dry. Put in boiling water and let cool, then drink instead of tea every day.
- Beetroot juice: Beetroot has properties that help lower blood sugar and strengthen the immune system. Take 1 beetroot, wash it and squeeze the juice. Drink this water every day to help lower blood sugar and protect your health.

Notes when hypoglycemia
- Monitor the amount of sugar in food: When choosing food, pay attention to the amount of sugar in it. Avoid foods with pure sugar such as white sugar, honey, brown sugar… and prioritize foods rich in fiber and low in sugar such as green vegetables, fruits, seeds…
- Exercise regularly: Exercise is one of the effective ways to lower blood sugar. You can do light exercise such as walking, jogging, swimming or participating in exercise classes such as yoga, zumba… to help your body digest blood sugar better.
- Weight control: Obesity is one of the causes of high blood sugar. Therefore, weight control and maintaining an ideal weight is very important to lower blood sugar.
- Drink enough water: Water has the ability to help eliminate toxins and fats in the body, helping the body function better. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day to help lower blood sugar and maintain health.
- Avoid stress: Stress can cause high blood sugar. So, try to reduce stress by practicing yoga, doing breathing exercises, going for a walk… to help your body relax and lower blood sugar.
Harmful effects of high blood sugar
- Diabetes: High blood sugar is one of the main causes of diabetes. When the body cannot produce enough insulin to regulate blood sugar, diabetes results.
- Cardiovascular disease: High blood sugar can cause cardiovascular problems such as clogged arteries, stroke, heart attack… If not controlled promptly, high blood sugar can be dangerous. to life.
- Kidney failure: High blood sugar can damage blood vessels in the kidneys, leading to kidney failure and reduced kidney function.
- Neurodegeneration: High blood sugar can damage nerve cells, leading to neurodegeneration and symptoms such as pain, paralysis, sensory disorders…
Signs and symptoms of high blood sugar
- Thirst and frequent urination: When blood sugar is high, the body will try to eliminate excess sugar through urine, leading to thirst and frequent urination.
- Fatigue: High blood sugar can reduce the amount of oxygen delivered to cells, causing feelings of fatigue and weakness.
- Headache: High blood sugar can increase pressure in the blood vessels, causing headaches and dizziness.
- Difficulty breathing: When blood sugar is high, the body will produce more insulin to regulate blood sugar, leading to difficulty breathing.
- Mood changes: High blood sugar can affect brain activity, causing symptoms such as anxiety, stress, irritability…

Treatment for high blood sugar
- Medication: Medication is considered the most effective treatment for lowering blood sugar. Medicines such as metformin, sulfonylurea, thiazolidinedione… have the ability to help the body produce insulin and regulate blood sugar.
- Change your diet: Diet is an important factor in controlling blood sugar. You can refer to foods that help lower blood sugar and avoid foods rich in sugar.
- Exercise: Regular exercise can help the body digest blood sugar better. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day to help lower blood sugar and maintain health.
- Weight control: If you are obese, try to lose weight to help lower your blood sugar and maintain your ideal weight.
- Adjust your lifestyle: Avoid stress, smoking, drinking alcohol and maintain a healthy lifestyle to help lower blood sugar and prevent related complications.
Prevent complications of diabetes
- Blood sugar control: The most important thing to prevent complications of diabetes is to control blood sugar at normal levels. Follow recommended blood sugar levels and adjust your diet and exercise to help maintain ideal blood sugar levels.
- Weight control: Obesity is one of the causes of diabetes. Therefore, controlling weight and maintaining an ideal weight is very important to prevent complications of the disease.
- Treatment of related diseases: If you have related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure… get timely treatment to reduce the risk of diabetes and related complications.
- Monitor your health: The most important thing is to monitor your health regularly to detect and promptly treat complications of diabetes.
Control blood sugar
To control blood sugar effectively, you can take the following steps:
- Measure blood sugar regularly: Daily blood sugar monitoring will help you know how stable your blood sugar is and adjust your diet and exercise accordingly.
- Follow your diet: Diet is an important factor in controlling blood sugar. Follow the recommended glycemic index and avoid foods high in sugar.
- Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help the body digest blood sugar better. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day to help control blood sugar and maintain health.
- Use the correct dose: If your doctor prescribes medication, follow the correct dosage and duration of use to achieve the best results.
- Monitor your health: The most important thing is to monitor your health regularly to detect and promptly treat complications of diabetes.
- Lifestyle changes: To effectively lower blood sugar, you need to change a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, eating nutritious food and avoiding stress.
- Use folk remedies: Many herbs and natural foods can help lower blood sugar such as pandan leaves, chia seeds, ginger root… Please refer to and use these folk remedies to support. treat high blood sugar.
- Weight control: Obesity is one of the causes of high blood sugar. Therefore, controlling weight and maintaining an ideal weight is very important to effectively lower blood sugar.
- Treatment of related diseases: If you have related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure… get timely treatment to reduce the risk of diabetes and related complications.
- Monitor your health: The most important thing is to monitor your health regularly to detect and promptly treat complications of diabetes.
High blood sugar is a dangerous health problem and can lead to many dangerous complications. Therefore, lowering blood sugar effectively and safely is very important. You can apply solutions such as changing your lifestyle, using folk remedies, and controlling your weight to help lower blood sugar effectively. Always monitor your health and seek support from medical professionals to live a healthy and happy life.
How to reduce blood sugar level?