Diabetic necrosis of the feet: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Diabetic necrosis of the feet: Causes, symptoms and treatment. Diabetes is a very common disease today, affecting millions of people worldwide. It causes many serious complications, including foot necrosis. Diabetic foot necrosis is a dangerous condition that can lead to amputation or even death. In this article, we will learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of diabetic foot necrosis.

Diabetic necrosis of the feet

Diabetes is a disease related to an imbalance of blood sugar in the body. When the body cannot produce or use insulin properly, blood sugar levels rise and cause complications. One of the most serious complications of diabetes is foot necrosis.

The main factors that cause diabetic foot necrosis include:

1. High blood sugar

High blood sugar is the leading cause of diabetic foot necrosis. When blood sugar increases, it damages blood vessels and nerves in the body, especially in the legs. This leads to reduced blood and oxygen circulation to the organs and tissues in the legs, causing circulatory and nerve problems.

2. Inflammation

People with diabetes are more likely to have infections and inflammation than normal people. Treating wounds or infections on the feet of people with diabetes is also more difficult due to high blood sugar and a weak immune system.

3. Changes in bone structure and connective tissue

Diabetes can cause structural changes to bones and connective tissue in the body, making the feet more susceptible to injury. This can lead to joint problems and imbalance when walking.

Diabetic necrosis of the feet
Diabetic necrosis of the feet

Diabetic foot necrosis: Symptoms and diagnosis

Diabetic foot necrosis can occur anywhere on the foot, but most often occurs in the toes or feet. Symptoms of diabetic foot necrosis include:

1. Pain and sore feet

Foot pain and tenderness are one of the first symptoms of diabetic foot necrosis. Pain may appear after you have been walking for a long period of time or while you are resting. If you have constant leg pain and tenderness, see your doctor for an examination and diagnosis.

2. Changes in skin color and temperature

When diabetic foot necrosis occurs, the skin on the feet may change color and temperature. The skin may become red, swollen, and hotter than usual. This may be a sign of loss of blood circulation and oxygen to the organs and tissues in the legs.

3. The wound does not heal

People with diabetes are more likely to get damage and wounds to heal faster than people without diabetes. If you have a wound on your leg that doesn’t heal after a long period of time, see your doctor for examination and treatment.

To diagnose diabetic foot necrosis, the doctor will perform a number of tests such as measuring blood sugar, ultrasound, and X-rays to determine the extent of damage and find the cause of foot necrosis.

Treatment methods for diabetic foot necrosis

Treatment for diabetic foot necrosis depends on the extent of the damage and the cause. Depending on each case, the doctor may prescribe medication, prescribe surgery or ask the patient to change lifestyle to control blood sugar.

1. Amputation surgery in diabetic foot necrosis

In severe cases, when other treatments are ineffective, your doctor may recommend amputation to prevent the spread of infection and relieve the patient’s pain. However, this surgery is only applied when the foot necrosis is very serious and cannot be treated with other methods.

2. Medicine to treat diabetic foot necrosis

Drug treatment is one of the main methods to control blood sugar and prevent diabetic foot necrosis. Doctors can prescribe medication to help reduce blood sugar, increase blood circulation and fight inflammation for patients. In addition, your doctor may also prescribe antibiotics to treat infections and inflammation related to foot gangrene.

3. Care for diabetic foot necrosis wounds

Wound care is very important during the treatment of diabetic foot necrosis. You need to keep the wound clean and dry, change bandages regularly and check the condition of the wound daily. If there are any signs of infection or inflammation, see your doctor immediately for treatment.

Diabetic necrosis of the feet
Diabetic necrosis of the feet

Preventing foot necrosis for people with diabetes

As mentioned above, diabetic foot necrosis can lead to serious complications and affect the patient’s quality of life. Therefore, preventing foot necrosis is very important for people with diabetes. Here are some ways you can prevent foot necrosis:

1. Control blood sugar

The most important thing to prevent foot necrosis is to control blood sugar. You need to follow a regular diet and exercise regimen, monitor your blood sugar daily and make sure it stays at a stable level.

2. Take care of your feet properly

Proper foot care is also important in preventing foot gangrene. You need to keep your feet clean and dry, trim your fingernails and toenails properly, don’t wear shoes that are too tight, and don’t walk on rough surfaces.

3. Treat foot problems promptly

If you have any foot-related symptoms, see your doctor immediately for prompt diagnosis and treatment. Early treatment can help prevent or minimize serious complications.

The importance of blood sugar control in preventing foot necrosis

As mentioned above, blood sugar control is the most important factor in preventing foot gangrene. This can be done by following a proper diet and exercise regimen, monitoring blood sugar daily, and using medications as prescribed by your doctor.

In addition, you should also regularly go for health check-ups so that your doctor can monitor your condition and adjust treatment when necessary.

Complications of diabetic foot necrosis and how to care for them

Diabetic foot necrosis can cause many serious complications, including:

1. Infection and inflammation

Necrotic foot wounds can lead to infection and inflammation if not cared for properly. This can cause serious complications and affect the patient’s health. Therefore, wound care and treatment of infections are very important.

2. Arthritis

Diabetic foot necrosis can cause joint problems and lead to arthritis. This can cause pain and difficulty moving. If you have symptoms of arthritis, see your doctor for timely examination and treatment.

3. Increased risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease

Diabetes and gangrene are also associated with an increased risk of stroke and cardiovascular problems. This is because high blood sugar can damage blood vessels and lead to blood circulation problems in the body.

To minimize these complications, you need to control your blood sugar and follow a proper diet and exercise regimen. In addition, see your doctor for timely advice and treatment if you have any heart-related symptoms.

Diabetic necrosis of the feet
Diabetic necrosis of the feet

Emotional and social support for diabetics with foot necrosis

Diabetic foot necrosis can affect the patient’s psychology and spirit. Therefore, mental and social support is very important to help patients overcome difficulties and improve their health.

You can seek support from family, friends or diabetes support groups. In addition, always maintain a positive and optimistic spirit in life to help you overcome these challenges.


Diabetic foot necrosis is a serious complication and can cause many other complications. Prevention and timely treatment are important to minimize the impact of foot gangrene on the patient’s health and quality of life. Always follow a proper diet and exercise regimen, control blood sugar, and take proper care of your feet to help prevent foot necrosis and related complications. If you have any symptoms, see your doctor for timely advice and treatment. Always maintain a positive and optimistic spirit in life to help you overcome these difficulties.


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