Category Archives: About diabetes

Rapid Weight Loss in Diabetes: Causes and Mechanisms*

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in the body, preventing the digestion and utilization of glucose—a [...]

Types of Fish Good for Diabetics

Fish offers numerous health benefits as they are rich in protein and vitamins and minerals. [...]

5 Lifestyle Tips to Avoid Diabetes Complications

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels, accompanied by disruptions in [...]

Is Diabetes Hereditary? Diabetes Screening

“Is diabetes hereditary?” If so, what is the hereditary rate? This is a concern for [...]

Rice Quantity for Diabetics

For people with diabetes, rice is often considered an adversary and should be limited as [...]

Can Diabetes Be Cured?

Can diabetes be cured? Although diabetes is a chronic disease and cannot be completely cured, [...]

Blood D Pills Cure Diabetes? The Answer Is

Recently, social media platforms have been abuzz with advertisements for the Blood D diabetes pills, [...]

Low Glycemic Index Foods for Diabetics

Nutrition is an important factor in controlling diabetes, alongside exercise and medication. People with diabetes [...]

6 Common Signs of Diabetes

Currently, diabetes is becoming increasingly common and tends to affect younger people. Therefore, not everyone [...]


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