Can diabetes be cured? Although diabetes is a chronic disease and cannot be completely cured, blood sugar levels can be controlled to minimize complications. For detailed information on this issue, you can refer to the following article by Gluzabet.

Can Diabetes Be Cured?
Diabetes is a dangerous disease, ranked third in the list of deadly diseases globally, just behind cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The number of cases is also becoming more common, the rate of diabetic patients is rapidly increasing, especially among young people.
Although it is a chronic disease, most patients are not aware that they have it. This inadvertently allows the disease to develop silently and not be treated in time. Over 50% of patients are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when they come to the hospital already experiencing severe complications.
Therefore, many patients feel anxious when diagnosed and seek information on whether diabetes can be cured. To date, there is still no method to completely cure this disease. Most treatment measures mainly involve using Western medicine, changing lifestyle, habits, diet, etc., to control blood sugar and prevent complications.

Scientists are also striving to find effective treatment methods. Below are some current research directions for treating diabetes that you can refer to.
Can Type 1 Diabetes Be Cured?
Type 1 diabetes is caused by the immune system attacking and destroying the beta cells in the pancreas, leading to a lack of insulin production—a hormone necessary to regulate blood sugar levels in the body.
If not well-controlled, type 1 diabetes can lead to many complications and affect various organs in the body. Therefore, maintaining the ability to control the disease is crucial to protect the health and life of the patient.
So, can diabetes be completely cured? Currently, there are several type 1 diabetes treatment methods being researched and applied as follows.
Pancreas Transplant
This is a new type 1 diabetes treatment method used to help patients automatically produce insulin without needing daily supplementation.
This procedure involves taking a pancreas from a donor, isolating the insulin-producing cells, and transplanting them into the patient’s liver. These pancreatic cells then begin to grow and produce insulin.

The pancreas transplant method has been used for many years to treat type 1 diabetes and has achieved significant success. Specifically, in the United States, about 1,300 type 1 diabetes patients successfully receive pancreas transplants each year. More than 80% of these patients do not need insulin supplementation for one year after the transplant.
However, this method is still quite expensive and is only used for patients who cannot control blood sugar with conventional methods like insulin injections. Additionally, donor pancreas sources are very scarce, and patients must take lifelong anti-rejection drugs and face many health risks after transplantation.
Islet Beta Cell Transplantation
Islet beta cell transplantation is a promising type 1 diabetes treatment method expected to answer the question, “Can diabetes be cured?”. This method helps the patient’s body sense blood sugar levels and produce the appropriate amount of insulin to maintain blood sugar balance.
Islet beta cell transplantation is highly regarded and can help patients produce insulin naturally, reducing dependence on external insulin supplementation.

However, this method still has limitations such as high cost, requiring surgery, and the transplanted beta cells may face autoimmune reactions and be destroyed. Patients must also take multiple medications to prevent rejection, and the success rate of maintaining stable blood sugar is only 8%.
Stem Cell Therapy
In addition to the two methods mentioned above, stem cell therapy also offers significant hope in treating type 1 diabetes. This method uses stem cells to regenerate beta cells that are damaged or lost due to diabetes.
Initial results show that this treatment method can increase glucose metabolism and improve insulin sensitivity. However, more research and development are needed before it can be accepted as an official treatment for type 1 diabetes.
Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Cured?
Like type 1 diabetes, there is currently no cure for type 2 diabetes. However, the disease can be controlled, and complications can be reduced.

Several medications have been approved for treating type 2 diabetes, such as metformin, thiazolidinedione, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists, etc. However, the use of these medications must be prescribed and closely monitored by a doctor.
Moreover, patients need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, ensure regular exercise, control weight, and build a healthy diet. Regular health check-ups and frequent blood sugar monitoring are also very important for early detection and better disease control.
Can Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Be Cured?
Newly diagnosed diabetic patients can follow the treatment protocols prescribed by doctors to control the disease and prevent dangerous complications. However, this is a chronic disease, and no cure can completely eliminate the disease; treatments only help control it and prevent complications.

Therefore, when newly diagnosed with diabetes, patients need to change their diet, exercise, and take prescribed medications. They also need to closely monitor their health condition and disease, undergo regular health check-ups, and frequently monitor blood sugar levels to prevent complications.
Controlling Diabetes According to Expert Guidelines
As mentioned above, to control diabetes, patients need to build a healthy lifestyle and follow their doctor’s treatment regimens.
Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle
Adjusting to a healthy and scientific lifestyle is crucial for controlling diabetes. Experts encourage diabetic patients to follow these guidelines:
- Build a reasonable diet: Eating healthily and ensuring the necessary nutrients for the body is essential. Experts encourage patients to eat plenty of green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and high-fiber foods. At the same time, reduce consumption of fast food, processed foods, and sugary drinks.

- Exercise regularly: Regular physical activity helps improve health and control blood sugar levels. Patients should exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, maintaining it for at least 5 days a week. Activities that diabetic patients can choose include walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, etc.
- Maintain a suitable weight: If overweight or obese, losing weight is an effective way for patients to control diabetes. This will help lower blood sugar levels, insulin levels, and improve cardiovascular health.
- Regularly monitor blood sugar: This is an effective way to keep track of blood sugar levels, ensuring they are at safe levels. Patients should also discuss with their doctor the frequency and proper method for measuring blood sugar.
Gluzabet Milk is Good for Diabetic Patients
In addition, patients can also look for beneficial foods for diabetes, such as Gluzabet milk. This nutritional milk is specially formulated for Vietnamese diabetics. The milk helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, provides nutrients, and stimulates good appetite and sleep.

Following Treatment Regimens
Following the doctor’s treatment regimen is also very important for patients. Diabetic patients should always adhere to the doctor’s and nutritionist’s instructions in treatment, take medications correctly, in the right dosage, and at the specified time! Regularly monitor blood sugar, keep track of health, and perform necessary tests to detect and provide timely treatment measures.
Additionally, avoid self-medicating or using folk remedies without a doctor’s approval, which can worsen the condition.

Thus, whether diabetes can be cured depends greatly on the treatment method and the patient’s lifestyle. Therefore, do not underestimate diabetes, and follow the doctor’s instructions as well as build a scientific lifestyle! Contact Gluzabet for more advice and information related to diabetes and Gluzabet nutritional milk.
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